"I forgot, didn't I turn that in? Wasn't I gone that day? I really just didn't have time. I think it's at home. My computer erased it.' Excuses like these are given constantly by students, not only at Valley Heights but all across the world.

A survey was given to teachers at Valley Heights about common excuses given daily with most excuses are given right before an assignment is due. When asked “Why do you think students are giving so many excuses” the overall outcome was the choice not to do the assignment because of a bad habit. 

These bad habits although can be changed with some easy tricks 1. Set reasonable goals to get homework done. 2. Surround yourself with people who want to get their homework done as well. 3. Don't procrastinate 4. Reward yourself when goal is completed. If goals like these are followed, a student and teacher's stress will drop dramatically.

Most teachers agreed when asked “ How do you deal with these excuses given to you?” Most replied, they don't. Every teacher has a different way of implementing a late assignment from taking 50% off to having a student fill out a “Why I didn't do my homework sheet” to get partial credit. Even though some of the excuses given can be humorous, teachers recommend to save everyone some time, just get your homework done.

Article by: Rosa Blaske