REMAIN TRUE. Cora Dale Jones was born on August 14, 2003 to Clint and Dani Jones. Cora has grown up in Waterville her whole life with two sisters, Alli and Faye. Growing up, Cora’s dad has had the biggest impact on her and taught her many lessons. You can usually find Cora hunting with her dad, making jokes, and enjoying the time they get to spend together.  

High school has taught Cora many different things. She has been very involved throughout her four years as a Mustang. Cora has participated in FFA, Forensics, and Volleyball, one year, Vocal and Art Club, two years, All School Play, three years, KAYs and FCCLA, four years. After high school, Cora plans to further her education and pursue a Bachelors of Science in Nursing to become a Pediatric Nurse. COVID-19 has inspired Cora to become a nurse, particularly one that works with kids. Her contagious smile and effervescent personality allows her to connect with young kids and brighten their day. She has  especially enjoyed working at the After School Program with the elementary kids. Cora will not only be missed at the high school, but will be greatly missed by all ages here at Valley Heights.

“One lesson I will take away from my high school experience is to stay true to myself and my morals,” says Jones. Cora strives to be remembered as a person who did not follow the crowd and always upheld her morals. She has chosen to follow a path of positivity and aspires to always do the right thing, despite all the negative outside influences she faces along the way. Cora’s advice for the younger students at Valley Heights is to not do something you don’t want to do, and stand up for what you believe in. She hopes that people follow her example and remain true to themselves. Cora’s bright smile and positive attitude will always be remembered after she leaves Valley Heights.

Article by: Cat Toerber