Rylie. B. acting as a "ladys who fallen and cant get up."  and Abby L. as a life alert button

FANCY PANTS.  You know its not a regular school week when you see someone wearing a Winnie the Pooh onesie, being a life alert button, or dressing up as an ESPN announcer. Unless it’s Homecoming Week. Every year, Student Council and the Cheerleaders vote on what the dress up days will be. This year they voted on Meme Monday, Duo Tuesday, Walt Disney Wednesday, College Game Day Thursday, and the annual Purple Pride Friday. “ I really feel like the days we picked are original and they are something we've never done before”, said Emma Toerber, So.

In the past, some students have decided not to participate in dress up days so this year StuCo has put in an incentive. The class with the most participants in the dress up days received a donut party. “ We chose to do a donut party because of the idea that it was different, and also the fact that donuts are cheaper”, said Hannah Musil, Sr. The winners of the dress up days were the seniors. “ I'm glad we won, not only do we get donuts, but also are showing the younger kids to not be afraid to dress up and show their school spirit,” said Gillian Zidek, Sr. The Seniors enjoyed their treat on September 17th.