Faye Jones and Jane Whitson posing with a Say Yes to The Dress sign

UP TO SNOW GOOD.  As Winter Formal approaches, buying a dress can be stressful. However it doesn’t have to be, Jayne Whitson, our Family Advocate, is hosting  “Say Yes to the Dress!” on Wednesday’s after school until 5:00pm starting January 18th and ending March 1st. Jayne has a variety of dresses: long, short, basic, or bold. There are also shoes and accessories. “Say Yes to the Dress!” also teaches attendees how to put makeup on, how to do your hair, and how to do your nails. The organization is open to all grades, for Winter Formal and the JH Dance. 

Every year, KAY decorates the commons for the high school students. This year’s dance is on Saturday, February 18th. It’s hosted on a weekend because it allows everyone to take their time and get ready. “My favorite memory from last year’s dance was the decorations. They did a really good job setting them up,” Sophomore, Maddy Hanke replied.

“I got lucky because my date has a blue dress and I have a blue shirt from the Junior High Dance,” said Chad Bargdill, Freshman. The boy’s dress code for a formal is slacks, a button up shirt, and tie. When asked what type of shirt he was going to wear Eddie Christensen, Junior, replied,  “I am wearing a red shirt with a design to match my girlfriend’s dress.”

During the dance, girls can wear either a long or short dress. “I am wearing a short dress because I’ve never worn one before,” said Freshman, Kinsley Gillig.  Winter Formal is the best place to bust out your favorite dance moves! The DJ for this year's dance is our own, Mr. Worcester. “My favorite dance move is the dougie,” giggled Ava Smith.