M. Sandoval, K. Gillig, A. Steinfort

JAVA HAVE IT. It is the beginning of a very hectic and crazy spring. Students are in full swing participating in lots of school and out of school activities. Unfortunately, procrastination becomes a reality for many students around this time. Waiting until the last minute to finish assignments, staying up late studying for tests, and then in turn being exhausted the next day. What better way to stay alert and active in this busy time than to down lots of coffee? Mrs. Coon’s classes have got you covered. Sophomore Khloe Gunn and Freshman Kinsley Gillig along with Mrs. Coon got the ball rolling on starting an iced coffee bar. The proceeds will go toward the classes that Mrs. Coon teaches to support future students. 

The “Java Have It” crew, consisting of local Valley Heights students, can be found at home track meets, the forensics showcase, and the Junior High Drama Night. The team is currently working on getting a small booth set up in the commons during lunch so students can purchase this delicious coffee during the school day. Harmony Conti, a sophomore and Java Have It volunteer says, “This is some of the best coffee that you will ever have. Cheaper yet just as tasty as Starbucks, Java Have It coffee will keep you energized and get you through the busy spring.”

Article by Audra Steinfort