Sleeping is a key part of a healthy lifestyle which is why 57% of Americans who do sleep, tend to hit the snooze button, according to a study by French tech firm Withings. Results of this study showed that American citizens spend a total of 3.5 months of their lives hitting the snooze button.

There are many reasons on why people hit the snooze button, Robin Roberson Jr. says “ I hit the snooze button because I need those extra minutes of sleep to power through the day.”  Rafael Pelayo, MD, a sleep specialist at the Stanford University Sleep Medicine Center says that our bodies have several methods to prepare us to wake up and get moving in the mornings. One of these methods is when the body starts to turn up your core temperature. When your body heats up in the mornings it makes you feel more alert and less sleepy.

Hitting the snooze button is an easy thing to do, which is why there are many tips on how to power through and wake up when your alarm goes off. The first tip is go to bed earlier, doing so will make it easier in the morning to wake up. Second, turn off electronics before going to bed. The blue light that is emitted by electronic devices, revs up our brains, making it harder to fall asleep. The third tip is, open the curtains, exposure to natural light first thing in the morning can help you get out of the bed.

Article By: Konner Treff