Freshman and sophomore boys help with matting.

As Spring arrives, events begin to unfold with basketball coming to an end and track starting soon. Spring break is a time for students to get excited for what is to come. Some of that excitement carries over to the art students who are staying focused and getting ready to go to two competitions by the end of March. There will be the TVL Art Competition on March 25th, closely followed by the GFWC Art competition on March 31th. A lot of preparation is involved in preparing art for competitions.

“There are so many students that love to help and I appreciate them so much. I don’t think I would be able to do it without them!” said Kaci Smith, the Valley Heights Art Instructor. A few of these preparations include going through all the art that has been done this year by the high school students; deciding which pieces can go, measuring all the chosen pieces, cutting or ordering mattes for every piece, creating labels for every piece, creating multiple spreadsheets and documents to stay organized, and last, but definitely not least, loading the artwork into the trailer and taking it to competitions. This can be a lot for one person, so Kaci Smith usually gets help from a few of her students. “Competition can be very stressful but I love helping anyways,” said Freshman, Khloe Gunn.

Article By Kendelle Sweet