E Yung and T Clay

“TREAT OTHERS THE WAY YOU WANT TO BE TREATED.” In an interview with Mustang Tough Sponsor, Kelsey Kennedy, she recites the golden rule, which is one of the most important pillars to this new program. Students were able to spend an afternoon learning about what it meant to be #MustangTough by watching a documentary about wild mustangs and how the characteristics these horses displayed could be implemented into students’ daily lives. Kennedy went on to say, “We are in the second year of transitioning into a Trauma-Informed School, which means we give a lot of focus and attention to social-emotional needs, learning, and behavior. Due to this, I felt that the kids in this school who always do the right thing, always help, are always kind, and are what I consider to be true role models, weren't getting the accolades that they deserved.” 

Mustang Tough is a reward club for the students that show mental toughness, determination, and perseverance in everything they do. Students in the club are also encouraged to uphold other characteristics that include: representing leadership, toughness, grit, community and school mindedness, hard work, and most importantly, working every day on being better than they were the day before. 

Any student grade 9-12 are welcomed to join the club! Kelsey wants students in the Mustang Tough Club to, “Let students who are being bullied or put down know that you see them, that you hear them, and that they are not what those other kids said. Doing things like this can change the entire student culture of our building, and that is my ultimate goal for this club. Kindness, self-improvement, mental toughness, and positivity - that's what I want our student body, especially the Mustang Tough, to be.”