
COSTUME WIZ. First Hand Account of a Costumer.

Rhonda Joseph spends countless hours working on costumes for the All School Play and this year I was able to help her. This year's play, Silver's Secret has a lot of intricate costumes. There is a wide range of costumes from making crab costumes to ghosts. When Mrs. Joseph asked me to help her with the costumes, I didn't know how long it would take. Now I realize the amount of work and time it takes.

When the cast gets their costume on, the play comes to life. Dakota Gillig, Senior said, “My costume brings my character together for me, and I always appreciate what Mrs. Joseph comes up with.” Dakota has been everything from a blow up bathtub, to a pirate smee, to a Jack-in-the-Box.

 It has been so much fun helping Mrs. Joseph with costumes and, I am excited to help her again next year.

Article -  Kinsley Gillig

Photo - Tom Parker