Jamie Lesage smiling.

CLEANING AFTER HOURS. Being a custodian is more than just cleaning, sweeping, and mopping.  Winnie Hyde and Jamie Lesage are very determined to keep the Valley Heights High School clean, problem-free and well functioning. A custodian's duties expand beyond constant cleaning. Observing, repairing, and even reinforcing are more daily tasks they do. Even though it might appear like a simple job, it's not. Our custodial staff stays after hours to help get our school ready everyday for the hundreds of students who attend Valley Heights. 

“I would say that cleaning up after basketball games is one of the most difficult parts of my job,” remarked Winnie. For 16 years she has served the Valley Heights community. Without the help of the custodial staff our school district would quickly become unsanitary and tarnished. Therefore, we should always show gratitude to our custodians. “Oh I love and enjoy it! You guys are great kids and the fact you put effort into helping me makes me so appreciative,” said Jamie. 

Article by Kadence Pierson